Church Re:assembled

New Heights is doing “church” a bit differently this year…

Why? Because we are in the midst of a global pandemic, but also because we are embracing an opportunity to invite God’s Spirit to use these times to challenge us in the way we think and live.

What if there are ways that we can experiment with now, that will teach us the best ways to facilitate growth in a community that we carry into the future?

What’s it gonna look like?

Over the next year New Heights will be working its way through 9 different topics. To do so, we are settling into a four week rhythm of learning, processing, applying, and embodying that will help us dig deeper in the way we experience each topic and church in general.
Week 1: Learning – A time of teaching, on zoom.
Week 2: Processing – Themes are expanded on with an opportunity for processing together in smaller groups.
Week 3: Applying – In person gatherings at Copper Hall will serve to teach us an application of the topic.
Week 4: Embodying – Aimed at personal embodiment; making it our own is the goal.

PLEASE NOTE: because of current provincial restrictions, all gatherings are virtual. Please email us at for more information.

What are some resources that will help us engage as a church this year?

  • Journals: We have created a book that you can carry with you throughout the year to take notes, ask questions, and write out your own thoughts. This journal is packed with book, podcast, song, and poetry recommendations that will lead you to dig deep into each topic!
  • Podcast: New Heights’ very own podcast is dropping WEDNESDAY! The Re: Podcast will introduce our monthly topic with a guest expert and have a follow up mid month with one of New Heights’ very own. Find this on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or through a link on New Heights’ website. If you need help accessing please feel free to email us.

We are so excited for all that God has in store for us, so join us as we RE:ASSEMBLE!