Folks are getting ready to take the plunge.


COMMUNITY: Baptism has always been a visible way of identifying with the Christian community. It is saying, “I want to make it clear that I’m part of God’s community, and my life will be devoted to following Him and living for Him”. (This is also a time where the community around you has the opportunity to welcome you into the mix and support your decision). Acts 2:41

PRIORITY: Baptism signifies saying goodbye to your former first priorities, and setting Jesus as your new number one priority. Baptism always goes along with salvation (accepting Jesus into your heart). BAPTISM IS NOT A MAGIC ANSWER….IT IS AN OUTWARD ACT OF OBEYING AFTER SURRENDERING YOUR LIFE TO JESUS. (When new Christians did this in Jesus’ day it was a lot more risky than it is now. At that time people were saying that rather than follow Caesar and the God’s of the government, that they were going to follow God). Acts 8:26-39

OLD/NEW LIFE: Baptism is symbolic of dying to your old life and being born into a new life. (It symbolically connects you to Jesus’ death and resurrection. In a sense you are becoming part of Him as you die to your old life and take on a new spiritual life that is rooted in Jesus. Baptism doesn’t mean that you all of a sudden are perfect. It is meant to be a symbol of a starting point or a commitment to begin listening to God as to how your life needs to change). Galatians 3:26-27

HOLY SPIRIT: Baptism is an outward symbol of the cleansing that the Holy Spirit does on the inside. (Real Baptism happens both inwardly and outwardly. God’s Spirit becomes alive within a believer when we die to ourselves and ask Jesus to take control of our lives. The Holy Spirit cleanses us from sin and empowers us to overcome temptation in the future). Acts 2:38
For more reading…Romans 6:1-7; Ephesians 4:4-6; Matthew 3:11; Matthew 28:19